Evolution of Species 2 – What do you think? Evolution of Species 2 lets you pretend to be a scientist! But because grownups are so strange, you get to wear pajamas instead of a lab coat. You begin with a little organism, no bigger than your fingernail. But fear not it has the potential to become stranger and bigger than you could have imagined!
There are several options for adding legs, claws, eyes, and even glittery pieces to your tiny creature. Imagine a comical T-Rex if it had flippers. Then you have to feed it to live. The more power it gains, the more amazing abilities it may unleash, such as the ability to fly or use an incredibly extended tongue to catch prey far away.
Playing this game is like watching your finest toy come to youre life, only it’s much more beautiful considering. you may modify it to be incredibly strong and one of a kind. Now pull out your phone and let’s build the most strange thing the world has ever seen Just bear in mind that feeding it too much sweets can create a sugar rush.
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