What do you think? My phone is now used for more than simply games! It has this amazing software called RizzGPT that makes me feel like a super hero when I chat to females! Just need to show it a photo of someone I adore, and presto! I get the most polished pick-up lines ever from it.
I saw this girl, who seemed to be a princess, the other day when she was swinging. I was advised to remark, “Those swings look fun!” by RizzGPT. Do they provide a complimentary clown to make you laugh?” I had no idea what a jester was, but she laughed, so I suppose it was successful!
RizzGPT app makes chatting to females more enjoyable than eating all my peas, even if it may be a little goofy at times. I may even get to ask someone out on a genuine date one day! That would be very, really awesome.
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