Now, for the details. It was movie night, so I’m eating the rest of my delicious Spaghetti-Os when all of a sudden everything becomes black as a licorice tunnel. I wake up in some rather eerie surroundings. Like, very creepy, like cobwebs on the ceiling and flickering lights.
I’m not superhuman, even if I have an impressive collection of Captain Underpants, but I do know one thing for sure: I have to leave this place! This place smells like something else, like burned bread that escaped from the toaster and joined a monstrous convention, along with old workout socks.
But well, what do you know? I’m not alone myself! Thank god, my phone made it through the Spaghetti-O tragedy intact. With it, I can play this awesome game called Specimen Zero. It seems that a number of other children are also trapped in this unsettling location, so we must work together to discover a way out. The dream can only succeed in tandem, right? (Although there is a lot more scary sounds in this dream than ice cream.)
According to the game, there’s a monster afoot, a failed scientific experiment of some kind. Actually, it seems familiar—do you recall the time I attempted to combine all of my leftover Halloween candy? To put it mildly, my stomach was not pleased. In any case, compared to a sugar crash, this monster sounds much less welcoming.
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